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Frequently Asked Questions

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Show Management
Exhibitors & Parents
Customer Support & Feedback
Offers, Referrals & Loyalty
Professionals, Press & Partnerships

Show Management

What kind of shows use Horse Spot?
What is the cost to use your software?
What financial integrations do I have with Horse Spot?
Is it hard to use? What kind of training and onboarding do you offer?
Can I use templates? What workflows have you made for show management?
What is the reliability of Horse Spot being cloud-based? What if my WiFi isn’t the best?
What control do I have over Exhibitors managing their entries and adds/scratches?
What measures do you take with databases, history of backups, and security?
What kind of support can I expect from Horse Spot?
I’m a small local show. Can I use Horse Spot + Live Scoring?

Exhibitors & Parents

Is it free to use Horse Spot?
How do I find a show and add an entry?
Do I have to pay to add an entry?
Can I still pay by check or cash? Do you accept Venmo or Zelle? What payment methods does Horse Spot accept?
I’ve added an entry but I need to cancel. What should I do?
I have a problem at checkout!
How do I add/scratch a class?
The show I am attending is not on Horse Spot. Can I still use your app?
Can I save shows to enter into at a later time?
How do I find my results?

Customer Support & Feedback

Can I leave a review?
Can I provide feedback or a feature request?

Offers, Referrals & Loyalty

How does your referral program work?

Professionals, Press & Partnerships

I’m an Equine Business. Can I partner with Horse Spot?